Monday, September 14, 2009

Project 1 Process: Sketch

Inside my house, there are plenty of Asian artworks such as Chinese Scroll Paintings, Japanese Woodblock Prints, and miniature sculptures from Vietnam. Out of all the artworks in my house, I find the Koi fish Scroll Painting to be the most interesting. In Asian cultures it is said that Koi fishes are a symbol of courage, good fortune, and determination. So I was thinking if we all make one for ourselves, maybe we will aquire their attributes as well? Anywho, lets move on to the process shall we?

First, I have created a small sketch of a side view and and frontal view of a Koi Fish.

Next, I have created another sketch, that breaks down the body of the Koi fish into pieces. Instead of having my fish look "boxy" I wanted my fish to have a bit more geometric volume to the form.

Note: for the fins, it will be required to have an x-acto knife to create a slit for the fins to connect. (This will allude to the 3-dimensional form.)

To sum up this blog post, I have laid out my idea into sketches. Now, figuring out how to create the shapes in a flat surface will be the most challenging part.

Next Update: I will have Adobe Illustrator layouts available.


  1. great sketches, i really enjoyed seeing them in class

  2. I like how you've broken down the fish so that it will have more volume to it. It looks like it will work out well!!

  3. It looks good, I think it will turn out great with the direction you are going.

  4. Great idea and will be fun to put together! To make it original and unique to you, you could be creative with the colors.

  5. looks very detailed and well thought-out

  6. looks well planed, id like to see where you will take it

  7. Your sketches are really detailed and clear. It looks really good. I hope you add some colors to it but not to an extreme if you get what I'm trying to say. It looks great.

  8. I like your message behind the idea. It looks a bit complicated but I think it'll look great once its done.

  9. I think you have a really well and thoughtout out plan. I like the message behind the project as well. You're sketches are very details. I like the 3-D effect it will potentially have. One question to think about... How will you make it stand on it's own? Great start

  10. Very unique idea, you're not just going with a cube based shape. Good luck with this, make it your own

  11. looks like its gonna be hard but i wanna see how it comes out...i think it will be real hot if it works out

  12. Thanks for providing all of these original sketches. They really help show the process from beginning to end.
