Monday, October 12, 2009

Project 2: Process

For this project, I really don't have a theme but I would like explore different types of compositions by using everyone's vectors. I begin this project with thumbnail sketches of how I want my final piece to look like. As you see, they are not very detail sketches but good enough to resemble the chosen images. Along the way, I made some adjustments to the final piece.

Here is something I have created based on my thumbnails using images from Zander, Iris, Lindsay, Julie, Seth, Mike S., and Ryan.

Next update, I will continue my exploration with composition using other people's images.


  1. I really like what you are doing. I also like no color. If you are going to add color keep it washed out.

  2. Great use of depth.

  3. I like the Pop Art-like approach, and I think the black and white with this approach works well. It would be interesting to see what a colors version would look like.

  4. This looks good so far, it seems like it's trying to tell some kind of a story. The simplicity of the piece is also appropriate. However in regard to the composition, it seems like the scale of the man's head and the sun in the back are competing on the page.

  5. I like the idea of creating a series of compositional scenes. Are they all going to relate to each other?

  6. I like what you are doing and it looks good so far. I like the idea of you doing some sort of series with these...and the pop art choice is cool. Keep going

  7. I really hope you do a series of these because this really captured my imagination. Great story telling approach to this project
